Roadmap In A Nutshell
All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination. - Earl Nightingale
Coding history
After college way back some years ago, my goal was to work in the IT industry. I applied to companies and mostly I failed. With my determination, I helped myself expand my knowledge on web development with short courses and coding bootcamps I have joined online. Though the results for me were not good, I still need to find ways on how to be good.
Goodfrontend history
I joined good goodfrontend company as one of their trainees and have learned more than all the previous trainings combined that I have joined. I was able to experience web development training with daily standups, retrospective, sprint planning, Jira board, GitHub, Confluence for project documentation, project demos in a two-week sprint, pair programming and team collaboration where all of these had tested me not only in the technical parts but especially also in interpersonal aspects.
During my training, I learned how to fetch APIs, how to work on projects with GitHub, how to use flexbox and CSS grid where I applied to frontend mentor HTML and CSS challenges, and also JS fundamentals and code pairing that was necessary for my design and logic skill development respectively. And as for my solo projects output, I compiled them here as my portfolio.
The final part of our bootcamp was to create the goodfrontend website and my role was quality assurance (QA) for Team Maki where I checked the project design based on the given Figma design for the website and also tested the project website and its content, organized content types for an easy update in Contentful, and finally created a user manual.
Being a quality assurance for our team is not that easy and I learned a lot from it. Sometimes I may not know what I am doing but I am glad I have our team that guided and supported me all throughout.
Final thought
I am blessed to say that I have been a part of this awesome goodfrontend's bootcamp training where my roadmap experience here is an achievement that will definitely make a good impact on my web development journey.
And besides, the most amazing part of this training is the sharing about life goals; where it is a life hack that will surely help every field of life succeed in what is truly important such as in every job, finances, in balancing life, in family relationships and leaving a heritage.
Finally, I will end here with a promising word of God that says;
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
About the Contributor
- Evangel DapingView ProfileCadet Software Engineer
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